Every project is different in some respects while, in others, they are not.
As experts in our field we have solutions to problems you never knew existed. Confide in us and if we do not have a solution then we will do all we can to find one.
Having pre-dominantly worked in refurbishment & renovation projects we understand the quirks that form character throughout a building.
We adapt our methods to what is required for a given finish. Choice and grade of materials, chosen techniques, planning and preparation are just some of the many elements that will dictate the flow and subsequent outcome of our clients projects.
Understanding the needs of our sub-contractors throughout the build enables us to coordinate with the right people when we need to, concealing services or providing access solutions. We can provide services as a main contractor or work with you or your chosen contractor to fulfil project requirements.
If you are planning a project, you should speak with us about your ideas and how we can serve each other. To do this, simply complete the Contact Form and we can begin finding the right solution you and your home.

This project used Douglas Fir timbers & cladding to create an adaptive outdoor space.
This Garden Kitchen & Gazebo together with power, lighting and varied cooking facilities is suitable for year round use. Clever planting choices add to the protection offered from wind or sun, simple adaptations protect from rain with a comfortable seating area heated by a firepit.

Supply & Fit External/Structural Joinery (Doors and Windows)
Commercial Space Joinery
Residential/Home Office Furniture
Dressing Rooms and Wardrobes
Library and Storage Units
Utility Wet Room Furniture
Heirloom Quality Garden Furniture
Supply, Fit & Alter Staircases
Built-In Storage
Bay Window Seats & Under Stair Storage Solutions
Chilled Wine Casbinets/Cellars
Fitted Panelling & Wainscot

Working with clients, architects, designers and other associated professionals we can coordinate in the design, construction and finishing of a wide range of installations from the ground up.
Cut and Pitched Roofing, Car
Full or part refurbishment or renovation of modern and period properties.
Timberframe structures for office, studio, workshop, garden, hobby and recreational spaces.

We also provide a wide range of services for the long term maintenance and alterations for our client's properties.
Sash Window Repair and Replacement.
Listed Property Conservation and Repair Works
Kitchen, Bathroom, Utility/Boot Room installation and alteration.
Cladding, Hand Cut Roofing.
We can build from the ground up to the ridge in timber and fit out and furnish the interior too - if you can't see it listed here, please just ask. We will always strive to find your solution.