What keeps you awake at night or drives you to distraction?
When we think about our homes it is personal, what concerns us about our home may not be a concern for someone else.
Perhaps it is tripping over the shoes, coats and bags in the doorway. Maybe the old style sash windows are rotten, again.
Or, the shapes or sizes in your home mean you struggle to find the right size or style of furniture for working or storage.
Alternatively you may be worried, nervous even to begin tackling a problem or managing a project.
Our understanding of your concerns, problems and even desires, is essential for us to find a suitable solution. If you are going to invest your money then those funds should be spent on something that meets your needs, to a high standard but also, makes you stop and look for a while to enjoy or simply appreciate it.
Even if it is just to walk through your front door without tripping over 'stuff'. Reassurance that windows won't leak or fall through in the next storm.
Maybe you need something audacious, beautiful, different or another one the same because, it works for you in your home.
Whatever it is, it should be yours and only you can put a value on your happiness and enjoyment within your home.

The adage that "every day is a school day" rings true for many and Albert Einstein is quoted as stating "the more I learn, the more I realise I do not know".
Training and education form an integral part of our business.
We are continually evaluating our methods and processes with consideration given to a wide array of established and developing trends, products and methods. This requires investment in time, people and technology to enable us to maintain our reputation for delivering solutions to our clients.
This investment includes partaking in an ongoing review of the National Operating Standards (NOS) with the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) which is currently consulting with experienced trades and crafts people. This review forms the learning and assessment criteria for anyone starting or continuing training in the construction industry.
This goes in hand with continued professional development in topics that include:
Carpentry & Joinery (skilled and specialist skilled supervision)
Health, Safety & Environment
Fire Safety &First Aid
Site Management Safety Training Scheme (SMSTS)
Personal Study in Science Technology & Maths
If you wish to know more then feel free to ask us and we shall be happy to provide further details as part of the contract process.

Jamie started in the construction industry more than two decades ago as a carpenters mate.
His mentor had a passion for hand tools which has resulted in an appreciation for both time honoured techniques and the embrace of modern technology to overcome various project needs.
Over this time he has also developed and refined his skills across a broad spectrum of woodworking disciplines.
Working primarily in the refurbishment and renovation of period properties he has gained the necessary experience to enable developing a knowledge and skill set that compliments the needs of such projects. ​
This ability to integrate traditional and modern methods and technology is instrumental in developing a diverse range of solutions for our clients.